Sage & Lavender Sticks (approx 10cm long and 4 cm wide)
Smudge sticks are bundles of dried herbs, and are ideal for removing toxic energy, purifying and inviting new energy into your space. Smudging rituals can be done as often as you wish, especially if you have low energy, have been in an argument, moving house and after a clear out and clean. They can be used to cleanse yourself and others too. Once completed, there is an increased sense of calmness, well-being, optimism and physical energy. Sage is considered one of the most sacred of herbs instilling peace and tranquillity and eliminates negative energy from your space.
Directions of use – the ideal time to use your sage smudge stick is when every room is de-cluttered and clean. Clean those hard-to-reach areas and tidy everywhere first, you will already start to feel better. Throw out old things you do not want to keep anymore and give any unwanted items you no longer need. Once you have done this, open your windows and start your smudging ritual. Start from your front door, light your stick, and keep the shell with you to catch any embers. Don’t worry if there is a lot of smoke – this is normal, the open windows will help to release all the negative energy. Now in gentle rotation movements you can move your smudge stick all around the rooms and work your way through your home, finishing off with yourself. As you smudge you can say to yourself or out loud an affirmation such as ‘I release unwanted negative energy from my home and family, I release any fears that limit me, and I release any energies that no longer serve me. I am now ready to receive abundance and inner peace’. You can change any of the wording to suit your needs and this can be adapted every time you smudge.
You can use a feather to transfer the smoke where you want it to go but this isn't essential. You can smudge yourself and this is really helpful when you feel down or have had an argument or you have negative thoughts regularly. When you smudge yourself you are raising your vibration. Sage is a strong herb so once you have finished its a good idea to raise the vibration by burning a cinnamon wax melt (try one of the red root chakra melts) or cinnamon essential oil. Or play some high vibe music and dance!
Remember to keep a fire proof dish with you to catch the embers. When you are finished, stub the smudge stick out into a fire proof dish making sure it has finished burning (please don’t put it out under water) and keep for another time.
Enjoy and relax afterwards with a luxury holistic candle from The Chakra Range, The Special Edition Collection or The Birthstone Crystal Candle Range.
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