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Rosemary, sage & lavender smudge set


The herbs used in this smudge are home-grown in my garden and I make the sets using Rosemary, British Sage & British Lavender.

In your set you will receive

A rough Senelite Wand.

A rough Amethyst Point

A lavender tea-light with amethyst crystal chips.

A lavender soy wax melt with an amethyst crystal.

The tea-light and soy wax melt is made with lavender essential oil.


Smudge sticks are bundles of dried herbs and are ideal for removing toxic energy, purifying and inviting new energy into your space. Smudging rituals can be done as often as you wish, especially if you have low energy, have been in an argument, moving house and after a clear out and clean. They can be used to cleanse yourself and others too. Once completed, there is an increased sense of calmness, well-being, optimism and physical energy.


Rough crystals are believed to hold more power because they are still in their raw state.


Once you have completed your smudging ritual, you can either burn your tealight or add your soy melt to your chosen burner and enjoy the scent of the essentials oils. (please note to make the most of your melt, it can be cut into smaller pieces)


Benefits of the herbs

Rosemary has very powerful cleansing and purifying power and dispels negative energy. Promotes confidence and a clear mind.


Lavender is cleansing and promotes happiness, healing, purification and tranquility.


Common (or British) Sage has so many beneficial properties. The Romans believed the properties of sage to be almost limitless! Here are just a few: removes bacteria from the air: repels insects: improves intuition: purifies objects eg crystals: improves mood and reduces stress and anxiety.


Benefits of the crystals.

Selenite Wand

Selenite is named after the Greek goddess of the moon Selene. Selenite is white in colour and has many healing and mystical properties - it is a crystallized form of Gypsum, which is used for good luck and protection. The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work. Selenite has the power to block negativity and shields you from unwanted energy. Selenite cleanses your energy fields, giving you support and clarity and can be used to strengthen the memory. Carry this crystal to act as a magnet for success and wonderful new opportunities.


Amethyst is a crystal of protection, balance and inner peace. This crystal brings a sense of harmony and peace when you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. As it is such a spiritual stone it will give overall protection, enhancing your aura, spirituality and spirit contact. This crystal can be placed under your pillow to help you interpret your dreams with clarity. Amethyst encourages you to move forward in life, transition with a positive mindset, and empower you to transform.I

Rosemary, Sage & Lavender Smudge Set

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