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Selenite Crystal Spheres


Crystal spheres emit positivity and balance in all directions. Their shape makes them an excellent spiritual resource for all types of healing and for cleansing for your space.


Named after the Greek goddess of the moon Selene, Selenite has many healing and mystical properties. It is a crystallized form of Gypsum, which is used for good luck and protection.

The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work. Selenite has the power to block negativity and shields you from unwanted energy.


Selenite cleanses your energy fields, giving you support and clarity and can be used to strengthen the memory. Selenite acts as a magnet for success and wonderful new opportunities.


Approx 3cm x 3xcm x 3cm

Selenite Sphere

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